Genk station

Genk station adres

  • Check the real-time train departures and arrivals at your station. Problem or issue at this station? Call the emergency number 30 You can also reach us via Messenger or Twitter. .
  • Genk station parking
  • Accessibility Statement
  • Genk station trein

  • The train/railway station of Genk (Belgium). Schedules, address, opening times and lockers. Information bus station and airport.
  • Genk station adres
  • Top routes from Genk
  • Train times from Genk
  • Genk station parking

  • Find station information, search timetables and book tickets to and from Genk. With over train and coach companies in and across 45 countries including Eurostar, see where you can go .
  • Genk station
  • Genk station Wij willen reizigers met het openbaar vervoer een maximaal comfort beiden.
    Train Stations in Genk The unique identifier of the mode of transport.
    Genk Railway Station / Genk Station Genk is een spoorwegstation in de gemeente Genk in Belgiƫ.
    Genk station - Belgium .
      Station Genk - Wikipedia Ontdek de mogelijkheden om te parkeren bij de stations van Genk en Bokrijk, met tarieven, regels en tips. Je kan kiezen tussen gele zones, parkeerabonnement NMB.
      Genk Station | Gayther Trains & Metros Station Genk is een spoorwegstation in de gemeente Genk in Belgiƫ. Het dateert van , toen de spoorlijn 21 (Landen - Hasselt) verlengd werd tot Genk via het bestaande baanvak van .
      Parkeren aan Genk station en Bokrijk station - Stad Genk Genk Railway Station / Genk Station Genk. The railway station of Genk (Belgium). Belgium The railway station of Genk (Belgium). Europalaan, Genk. Please show me accommodation .
      Train services Discover train and metro related information for Genk Station. With unique identifiers, location links, facilities and all helpful information when travelling. Learn more about train and metro .

    Genk station

  • Genk station railway station: live departures and arrivals, train schedules, timetables and connections.
  • genk station
  • Genk Railway Station