Definitie thriller

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  • Thriller definities

  • THRILLER definition: 1. a book, play, or film that has an exciting story, often about solving a crime: 2. a book, play. Learn more.
  • definitie thriller
  • Definitie thriller film

  • - Verhaal, roman, toneelstuk of film waarvan de plot meestal draait om een misdrijf en vooral de spanning de lezer of toeschouwer constant gevangen houdt. Aanvankelijk werd er wel .
  • Thriller definities
  • Sinonime,declinări si rime ale cuvantuluithriller
  • Definitie van thriller

  • Definiții, conjugări, declinări, paradigme pentru thriller din dicționarele: DEX '09, MDA2, DEX '98, DN, MDN '00, DCR2, NODEX, DOOM 3, DOOM 2, Argou.
  • Definitie thriller film
    1. THRILLER | English meaning - Cambridge Dictionary The meaning of THRILLER is one that thrills; especially: a work of fiction or drama designed to hold the interest by the use of a high degree of intrigue, adventure, or suspense. How to use .
      Thriller - 11 definities - Encyclo THRILLER meaning: 1. a book, play, or film that has an exciting story, often about solving a crime: 2. a book, play. Learn more.
      THRILLER | definition in the Cambridge English Dictionary A palavra “thriller” é um termo de origem inglesa que se refere a um gênero de narrativa que provoca tensão e suspense no público.
      Wellicht gerelateerd aan `thriller` THRÍLLER s.n. (Anglicism) Roman, povestire sau film polițist, senzațional sau de groază. [.

    Definitie psychologische thriller

  • thriller meaning: a book or movie with an exciting story, often about crime. Learn more.
  • Definitie van thriller
  • Thriller - definiție și paradigmă | dexonline
  • Significado da palavra thriller: Definição e Contexto
  • Thriller definities .
    thriller definitie .
    Definitie van thriller .
    Definitie thriller - ce inseamna thriller - Dex Online .